EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


In this section you will find information about EMN activities and invitations to various events.

Listen up with EMN Slovakia: Podcasts from the 9th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Protection of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations

With increasing global migration and forced displacement, many migrants face risks of insecurity, violence, exploitation, abuse, and violation of their rights. During the seminar we have looked at what makes migrants vulnerable and how to protect them, which kind of power passports have in global mobility as well as in access to opportunities, and why we keep hearing about migrant caravans. Listen to a series of podcasts of the European Migration Network (EMN) Slovakia on this topic.

04 October 2023

How did the war in Ukraine change the migration policies and management system in Slovakia? Our overview includes changes across state institutions

In the document Organisation of Migration and Asylum Policies in the Slovak Republic you will find which institutions and organisations are responsible for the particular areas of migration from the non-EU countries. It provides also overview of policies, strategies and legislative acts governing international migration in the Slovak Republic, and focuses specifically on changes caused by war in Ukraine.

21 September 2023

The 9th Edition of EMN Educational Seminar on Migration unraveled the complexities of migrant vulnerabilities and effective protection measures

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) as a coordinator of the European Migration Network in Slovakia organised the 9th edition of the Educational Seminar on Migration: Protection of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations that took place from 3 to 5 July 2023 in Bratislava, Slovakia. 16 speakers from 11 countries addressed the crucial topic of migrant vulnerabilities.

03 August 2023

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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