EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


In this section you will find information about EMN activities and invitations to various events.

New EMN national study examines the application of the Temporary Protection Directive: Challenges and Good practices in 2023

The latest EMN national study offers an insight into the main challenges and effective measures used to protect the rights of temporary protection holders under the Temporary Protection Directive in Slovakia, which was granted to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. The study aims to provide a comprehensive understanding and address the diverse life situations of people granted temporary protection.

05 March 2024

New EMN inform explores the access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection

The latest EMN inform delves into the challenges and existing support services in accessing autonomous housing for international protection beneficiaries and applicants. The inform addresses the multifaceted challenges ranging from shortages in the private housing market to language barriers. It highlights the importance of the Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027, advocating for affordable and inclusive models to enable a smooth transition to independent living.

01 March 2024

Migration management in Slovakia – scroll through our new overview of policies, legislation, institutions and their competencies

We often hear from experts how important it is for migration to be managed. In the updated document Organisation of Migration and Asylum Policies in the Slovak Republic you will find which institutions and organisations are responsible for the particular areas of migration from the non-EU countries. It provides also an overview of policies, strategies and legislative acts governing international migration in the Slovak Republic, and focuses specifically on changes caused by war in Ukraine.

26 January 2024

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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