EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

Dynamic dialogues with students from C.S. Lewis Lyceum on migration and integration decision-making using the educational tool Destination Europe

09 February 2024

On 07th and 08th of February 2024 European Migration Network (EMN) organised an educational workshop for students from the C.S. Lewis Lyceum in Bratislava. The representatives of International Organization for Migration (IOM) within the activities of the EMN in Slovakia introduced the role-playing activity Destination Europe.

The students eagerly took on roles of various stakeholders in the field of migration and enthusiastically immersed themselves into discussions regarding migration policy decisions-making while observing the impacts of their decisions on the lives of different migrants. What did the students gain from the experience? Grasp of the complexity regarding migration policy decision-making at different levels Understanding of the positions and interests of various actors: EU or national policymakers, representatives of civil society, employers etc. Insight into potential impacts of migration and integration policies on different groups of migrants Opportunity to practice the skills of 21st century such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and leadership Destination Europe is an educational tool focusing on migration and integration, designed to encourage young people (16+) and professionals to dive into discussions and gain insights into the most topical issues in today's Europe. Through the interactive dialogues, participants have the opportunity to step into shoes of a minister, a European Commissioner, a mayor, or a representative of a non-governmental organization and explore the narratives of three specific migrants.   EMN Slovakia organizes workshops on the topic of migration as part of which students can try the educational activity Destination Europe. The workshop is divided into two sessions of 1,5 hours each, but the duration can also be adjusted according to the needs of a school or class. The workshops are free of charge. We will be glad to provide you with more information. Please contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   More information about the Destination Europe educational activity and how it can be used in youth work can be found at: https://destinationeurope.uni.lu/slovak/  Students are discussing migration policies as part of the educational activity Destination Europe. Photo © International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2024.

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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