EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


In this section you will find information about EMN activities and invitations to various events.

New EMN inform maps mental health policies for migrants

Do you know what challenges migrants face in accessing mental health services, and how Member States address them? The new EMN inform maps policies in place to help legally-residing migrants access mental health services.

14 July 2022

EMN Annual Report outlines trends in the area of migration and asylum in 2021

The European Migration Network has published the Annual Report on Migration and Asylum that provides an overview of the developments in the area in the EU Member States, Norway and Georgia in 2021. In addition to challenges related to COVID-19 pandemic, new ones occurred because of political unrest that exerted pressure on the asylum systems. As a result of new and persisting challenges, there was a need to update migration management systems and ensure the protection of refugees.

24 June 2022

EMN Slovakia presented a new educational activity called Destination Europe

Visitors of the celebration of the Europe Day at the Old Market in Bratislava had an opportunity to get to know a new educational activity of the EMN entitled Destination Europe for the first time in the Slovak translation. Pupils, students, their teachers as well as broader public tested their knowledge on migration in Slovakia and in the world, watched a presentation video about the activity and familiarised themselves with its printed version.

14 June 2022

EMN Study on Detention and Alternatives to Detention

What are the procedures established by Member States to place a person in detention or providing an alternative to detention? The latest study from the European Migration Network provides a comparative overview of the similarities, differences, challenges, and best practices in the use of detention and alternatives to detention, in the framework of both international protection and return procedures.

02 June 2022

EMN Inform: Attracting and retaining international researchers

Researchers from the non-EU countries can provide important expertise and knowledge to European universities and research institutions. The latest inform from the European Migration Network provides an overview of the means adopted by the EU Member States to enhance attractiveness for international researchers. It also describes the main challenges and best practices to admit and retain them.

10 May 2022

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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