EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

EMN Educational Seminar: Labour Migration Opportunities and Challenges, Bratislava, 20 - 22 August 2013

19 December 2013

EMN National Contact Point (NCP) for Slovakia organised 2nd educational seminar dealing with various aspects of labour migration of third-country nationals. The seminar entitled Labour Migration Opportunities and Challenges took place in Bratislava on 20 – 22 August 2013.

The seminar hosted 12 Slovak and foreign speakers from Bratislava, Prague, Krems, London, Loughborough, Brussels, Rome and Geneva. 38 representatives of state and public administration, non-governmental organisations and academia attended the seminar as participants. During three days, they enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the labour migration management, the status of labour migrants on the labour market, risk factors of labour migration and human trafficking. Furthermore, representatives of EMN NCP presented EMN activities and publications, and their use in a professional activity.

After the seminar’s opening speech by Zuzana Vatráľová, Head of the IOM Office in the Slovak Republic, followed by Bernard Priecel, the director of the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic. Bernd Hemingway, Director of the IOM Regional Office for the EEA, EU and NATO in Brussels, spoke about the labour migration in the global context while his colleague, Anna Platonova, continued with the topic of labour migration policies in countries of destination. Based on the outcomes of the ENM study on Attracting (Highly-) Qualified Third-Country Nationals to the Slovak Republic, Natalia Ulrichova from IOM Bratislava introduced labour migration policies in the Slovak Republic. The first day was closed with a presentation by Patrick Taran, a highly respected expert from Global Migration Policy Associates in Geneva, on rights of migrants, globalised labour and skills mobility. His speech was followed by group discussions led by Patrick Taran, Anna Platonova and Andrea Frkáňová from the Slovak EMN NCP. The groups discussed the issues of equality of treatment, non-discrimination and integration of migrants.

The second day of the seminar focused on the risk factors of labour migration. Gudrun Biffl from the Danube University in Krems shed more light on the relationship between legal work and grey economy. Afterwards, Klara Skřivánková, a representative of Anti-Slavery International, presented the issue of forced labour and human trafficking. Further practical exercises helped the participants to grasp the differences and connection between the two phenomena. Through her presentation and subsequent practical exercise, Rosa Crawford from Trade Union Congress in London described protection of labour migrants’ rights and the role of trade unions in this process. The final presentation by Matej Blažek from the University of Loughborough, concentrated on the vulnerability of migrants in their work environment with respect to the outcomes of a research carried out in Slovakia.

The last day of the seminar was devoted to (combating) trafficking in human beings. Zoi Sakelliadou from the Office of the EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator informed the attendees about activities, policies and legislation of the European Union in this field. Afterwards, Paola Monzini, an international consultant from Italy, analysed the current situation and new trends in the Mediterranean area. The EMN educational seminar culminated with the presentation of Zuzana Vatráľová on the Programme of Support and Protection for Victims of Human Trafficking in the Slovak Republic.

Accompanying programme of the seminar was screening of the documentary film “The Tree Workers Case” by Daniela Agostini. It was followed by a discussion between invited guests and the audience.

The participants appreciated the information and materials obtained during the seminar as they would be helpful in their future professional practice. Apart from the presentations, the attendees welcomed the possibility to participate in discussions and group practical exercises. At the same time, the seminar was a great networking opportunity for them.

Photogallery of the meeting

Photogallery of the EMN educational seminar on Labour Migration Opportunities and Challenges

Seminar materials and presentations for download

Download All Files (7,17 MB)

EMN Educational Seminar Materials 2013 (2,05 MB)

Anna Platonova - Labour Migration Policies in the Countries of Destination (292 kB)

Bernd Hemingway - Labour Migration from the Global Perspective (168 kB)

Gudrun Biffl - Relation between Legal Work and Grey Economy with the Focus on Labour Migrants (632 kB)

Klára Skřivánková - Forced Labour and Trafficking in Human Beings
(536 kB)

Matej Blažek - Vulnerability of Migrants in the Working Environment (424 kB)

Natália Ulrichová - Politika pracovnej migrácie v SR (672 KB)

Paola Monzini - Trafficking in the Mediterranean region: Recent Trends and Main Challenges (546 kB)

Patrick Taran - Labour Migration, Globalization, Rights, and Governance (1,89 MB)

Rosa Crawford - Vulnerability of Labour Migrants, Their Rights and the Role of Trade Unions (404 kB)

Zuzana Vatráľová - Program pomoci obchodovaným osobám v SR (404 kB)

Other documents for download

Programme of the Educational Seminar on Labour Migration Opportunities and Challenges 2013 (512 kB)

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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