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for the Slovak Republic

Listen up with EMN Slovakia: Podcasts from the 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Demystifying Migration and Harnessing Its Power

19 September 2024

Migration is a reality which, if managed well, promotes the exchange of knowledge and contributes to economic growth. During our jubilee 10th edition of the EMN Educational Seminar on Migration we, among other topics, examined some of the common myths and misconceptions about migration and migrants, and how they shape public attitudes and narratives. Listen to a series of podcasts of the European Migration Network (EMN) Slovakia and explore diverse aspects of migration.

In the series of podcasts from the 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration you will learn among other topics about:

  • Latest migration policies and trends
  • Myths and realities about migration
  • Climate migration and its complex interlinkages
  • Migrantsrights and state sovereignty

The podcasts are available in English or Czech, depending on the speaker's lecture language: EMN Slovakia Podcasts | IOM Slovakia (podbean.com).

Listen to the lectures from the EMN Educational Seminar on Migration 2024:

Vladimír Šucha: Evidence-based policymaking with impact

How does evidence-based policy-making work, and how can it be made impactful? What are the challenges and possible solutions when bridging science and policy mindsets? In the lecture, Vladimír Šucha explains what needs to be taken into account when creating policies and what the policy cycle looks like in practice. As an example, he presents initiatives launched by the EU to enhance migration data and evidence in response to the migration situation in 2015-2016.

Vladimír Šucha, Head of the Representation of the European Commission in the Slovak Republic

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Koko Warner: Latest migration trends in the world and migrant vulnerabilities in changing climate 

In this lecture, Koko Warner presents an overview of data on international migration, delves into trends in irregular migration to Europe, and explores the relationship between climate change impacts and population movements, as well as their implications for vulnerable migrants. She also highlights the importance of data for action that informs what needs to be done in order to reduce the vulnerabilities of populations exposed to climate-induced disruptions.

Koko Warner, Director of IOM's Global Data Institute, Germany

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Nicole Epting: Forced displacement in the world and Central/Eastern European region

Did you know that more than 117.3 million people worldwide were forcibly displaced at the end of 2023? In this lecture, Nicole Epting provides insights into the current developments in the realm of forced displacement, both globally and within the Central/Eastern European context, with a special focus on the situation in Ukraine, covering risks, needs, and return intentions of those forcibly displaced. The lecture also offers an overview of the solutions to displacement and highlights the importance of a multi-stakeholder approach in addressing the issue.

Nicole Epting, Regional Representative, UNHCR Representation for Central Europe, Hungary

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Karin Atassi: Building bridges through the work of intercultural mediators in the city of Brno

The lecture by Karin Atassi offers a unique insight into her work as an intercultural worker at the Brno Municipality, where she plays a key role in supporting migrants and refugees from countries such as Syria, Egypt, and Iraq. In her lecture, Karin Atassi will guide you through the importance of language support, cultural mediation, and orientation programs that help migrants integrate into society upon arriving in a new country and gain access to essential services.

Karin Atassi, intercultural worker and interpreter, Brno Municipality, Czech Republic

Listen to the lecture (in Czech):

Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková: Stereotypes from the perspective of local policy on integration of foreigners

In her lecture, Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková focuses on the challenges of integrating foreigners at the local level, particularly in the city of Brno. She discusses obstacles such as stereotypes, misinformation, and ethnocentrism that can hinder effective integration into society. Lenka highlights the role of intercultural work within local government as a crucial tool for addressing these challenges and stresses the need for improved communication and coordination of integration policies.

Lenka Šafránková Pavlíčková, sociologist & Project Manager at SocioFactor, Czech Republic

Listen to the lecture (in Czech):

Michal Vašečka: What are the attitudes of the public towards foreigners and migration?

In this lecture, Michal Vašečka examines how the period of increased migration in Europe in 2015 has exposed challenges within Central European countries and revealed concerns regarding the inclusivity of these societies towards "others." Drawing on public opinion polls, Vašečka discusses discrimination and low levels of sensitivity faced by various types of migrants. The lecture also proposes strategies for overcoming these issues and empowering migrants.

Michal Vašečka, sociologist & Program Director at Bratislava Policy Institute, Slovakia

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Linda Cottone: The role of humanitarian border management in traditional border governance

In this lecture, Linda Cottone introduces the topic of Humanitarian Border Management (HBM), emphasizing the crucial role of preparedness and planning in responding to humanitarian crises. Linda Cottone discusses the rights, principles, and obligations underpinning HBM and highlights the importance of clear definitions. You will learn about HBM´s dimensions, objectives, its application in different emergency contexts including the response to the war in Ukraine, and the potential risks associated with the lack of HBM strategy.

Linda Cottone, Project Officer at Immigration and Border Governance Division, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Headquarters, Switzerland

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Fahmida Miah: How climate change creates the movement of people? Testimonies from across the world

How can we effectively communicate climate change and inspire change and climate action? In this lecture, Fahmida Miah explores the impact of climate change on patterns of human movement, presents testimonies from individuals affected by climate change and forced displacement, and discusses key concepts linking climate justice to migrant justice. Fahmida also explains the impact of dangerous narratives related to climate migration and offers strategies for more effective communication on these topics.

Fahmida Miah, Programme Manager at Climate Outreach, United Kingdom

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Pascal Reyntjens: Climate change, conflict, and food security: perspectives from Chad

Why should we care about what’s happening in Chad? In this lecture, Pascal Reyntjens emphasizes the need for a people-centered and human-rights-based approach to tacking climate change. He also points out how its harsh effects in Chad intensify forced displacement and worsen existing inequalities. Pascal delves into the complex interplay between climate change, conflict, food security, and migration, stressing the importance of international collaboration and investment, tailored responses, and durable solutions.

Pascal Reyntjens, Chief of Mission, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Chad

Listen to the lecture (in English):

Podcasts and presentations from the 2024 seminar:

You can find all seminar outputs here: https://www.emnconference.sk/lectures.html

All EMN Slovakia Podcasts:

Listen to: https://emnslovakia.podbean.com/

About the EMN Educational Seminar on Migration:

The 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration:  Demystifying Migration and Harnessing Its Power was organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the coordinator of the European Migration Network (EMN) in Slovakia from 17th to 19th June 2024 in Bratislava. More than 100 participants and speakers from 15 countries took part in the seminar.

The EMN Educational Seminar on Migration is a unique learning platform about migration organised in Slovakia which for three days fosters networking, experience sharing and discussions among (inter)national experts and participants. The seminar provides professionals working in the state institutions, non-governmental sector and other entities (e.g. research bodies, academia, media) with comprehensive and up-to-date information on migration and in this way aims to contribute to enhanced policymaking process in Slovakia and other EMN countries. It reaches out also to the public through various evening events. 

The seminar is organised by IOM as the coordinator of the EMN activities in Slovakia since 2012. Each year it focuses on a specific migration related topic. 

For more information visit: www.emnseminar.sk

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