EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

Register for the 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration

10 May 2024

International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the coordinator of the European Migration Network (EMN) cordially invites to the 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Demystifying Migration and Harnessing its Power, which will take place from 17 to 19 June 2024 in Bratislava. The registration is open until 31 May 2024.

The seminar is particularly relevant for policy makers, state administration representatives, civil society actors and academia representatives from Slovakia who are active or interested in learning more about migration and international protection. The event is also open to participants from abroad, especially from other EMN Member and Observer Countries. The participants will be awarded a certificate of participation.

Seminar’s topics:

• Latest migration policies and trends
• Myths and realities about migration
• Climate migration and its complex interlinkages
• Migrants’ rights and state sovereignty

To support working with facts about migration, in our jubilee 10th edition of the seminar, we will examine some of the common myths and misconceptions about migration, and how they shape public attitudes. Experts from Belgium, Chad, the Czech Republic, Danmark, France, Slovakia, Switzerland and other countries will present the latest migration policies and trends in the world and in the EU as well as the interlinkages between migration, human rights, and state sovereignty. Since the seminar occurs in advance of the World Refugee Day, it will also reflect on the plight and dreams of people who had to flee their homes due to persecution, conflicts, and disasters. We will pay special attention to climate migration and its various layers and relations to food security, conflicts and irregular migration.

The English and Slovak interpretation will be provided during the seminar.

Public events:

On 17 June we will organize The EMN Discussion Evening: Home. Where is Yours? accompanied by a theatre play and a discussion with the author of its plot, a rewarded journalist Janne Teller.

On 18 June we will offer a screening of the film The Old Oak about a village in the Northeast of England where Syrian refugees as trying to start a new life. How will they be received by the local community? What does the future hold for the Old Oak?

Registration for the seminar:

The registration for the 10th Educational Seminar is open till 31 May 2024, you can register at: https://www.emnconference.sk/registration.html.

More information:

More information about the seminar and its programme is available at www.emnseminar.sk.

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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