In the document Organisation of Migration and Asylum Policies in the Slovak Republic you will find which institutions and organisations are responsible for the particular areas of migration from the non-EU countries. It provides also overview of policies, strategies and legislative acts governing international migration in the Slovak Republic, and focuses specifically on changes caused by war in Ukraine.
The most changes in the migration management system occurred as a result of the war in neighbouring Ukraine. After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine at the end of February 2022, the Slovak Republic:
- adopted several laws, so called Lex Ukraine, which regulate the legal status and inclusion of people coming to Slovakia from Ukraine (e.g. provision of temporary protection even without the Council of the EU Decision, provision of accommodation allowance for temporary protection holders, measures in social field such as provision of benefit in material need, child allowances, establishment of the so called children’s groups; recognition of previous education, provision of health care and access to the labour market) and Contingency Plan of the Slovak Republic for dealing with an emergency situation for the period October 2022 – March 2023.
- restructured the Steering Board for Migration, Integration and Inclusion of Foreigners, coordinated by the Ministry of Interior’s Migration Office.
- established various forms of financial and non-financial assistance and support for refugees from Ukraine, and helped them together with civil society, the private sector and international organisations.
In 2022, also Steering Board for Implementation of European Integrated Border Management was created to coordinate the fulfilment of tasks contained in the relevant national strategy for years 2023 to 2026.
The data is valid as of March 2023.
Overviews are available also for other EU Member States and for EMN observing countries (Norway, Georgia, The Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, Armenia, and Serbia).