EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

In Bratislava young people discussed on migration topics

06 December 2022

Twenty young people joined a discussion on migration topics as part of the EMN Youth Day that took place on 16 November 2022 in Bratislava. Thanks to the online streaming they joined their peers in 10 European countries and the European Commission.

Participants of the event EMN Youth Day in Bratislava. Photo © International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2022.

Young people learnt more about the migration narrative of the European Union, listened to an interesting TED-style talk and played an educational activity Destination Europe. In the role of a minister, eurocommissioner, mayor or an NGO representative they got to know how their decisions can influence creation of migration and integration policies as well as how these decisions can influence the lives of migrants.

The opinions of young people from the European countries including Slovakia were collected by the European Commission that tries to include young people more effectively into formulation of migration policies and narratives in the European Union. During the discussion, the representatives of youth mentioned that the society is enriched by diversity and that it is important to bring positive examples of migrants’ stories in our society. When it comes to fighting stereotypes they see some space for improvement in the educational system, too. They also pointed out that the politicians should lead by example when communicating sensitive migration topics.

More information about the educational activity Destination Europe and the possibilities of using it when working with youth can be found at: https://destinationeurope.uni.lu/slovak/

EMN Slovakia organizes workshops on the topic of migration as part of which students can try the educational activity Destination Europe. The workshop is divided into two sessions of 1,5 hours each, but the duration can also be adjusted according to the needs of a school or class. The workshops are free of charge. We will be glad to provide you with more information. Please contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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