EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

New EMN Inform: Bilateral readmission agreements

22 September 2022

Are you interested in how readmission agreements work? Do you know on what basis they are concluded and what their effectiveness is? Read the European Migration Network Inform which maps existing readmission agreements between the EU Member States, Norway and non-EU countries that enable return of migrants staying irregularly on the EU territory.

Little is known about how bilateral readmission agreements influence the return of irregular migrants, including asylum applicants whose claims were rejected. A new EMN inform updates and expands the existing information on the subject, notably the inventory of Professor Cassarino, which provides a comprehensive overview of bilateral readmission agreements between EU and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries since 1950, and the 2014 EMN study on ‘Good practices in the return and reintegration of irregular migrants’.

The inform Bilateral readmission agreements looks at the implementation, monitoring and evaluation, as well as effectiveness of bilateral readmission agreements signed by EU Member States. It specifically focuses on the bilateral readmission agreements negotiated, signed, or entered into force in the period 2014-2020. The inform is accompanied by a detailed the inventory of bilateral readmission agreements which updates the inventory of professor Cassarino with his consent. The inventory contains information on bilateral readmission agreements that were signed or entered into force in the mentioned period, as well as bilateral implementing protocols to the EU readmission agreements.


EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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