During the months of September and October, the representatives of International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the coordinator of the European Migration Network (EMN) in Slovakia gave lectures on migration to the students of the Academy of Police Force in Bratislava. As part of a series of lectures, the students also participated in a workshop related to the educational activity Destination Europe.
The European Migration Network accepted the invitation of the Academy of Police Force in Bratislava and realized three lectures on migration, migration terms and migration policies in the Slovak Republic and in the EU for around 100 students of the second year as well as external students who are already active in the police service.
The students learnt about migration and related policies in Slovakia and the EU, terms that are used, types of migration and its causes which are also connected with misconceptions or stereotypes.
As a follow-up to the lectures, a workshop dedicated to the educational activity Destination Europe was organized for a group of 28 students. Its participants could play a role of a minister, EU commissioner, mayor or civil society organization representative and take decisions that influence development of migration and integration policies as well as lives of three concrete migrants: Yulia, Ahmed and Sunil who are the protagonists of the role activity.
More information on the educational tool Destination Europe and the possibilities of using it for activities with young people can be found at: https://destinationeurope.uni.lu/slovak/
EMN Slovakia is currently organizing a pilot phase of workshops on migration topics as part of which the students can also try the new educational tool Destination Europe. The workshop is divided into two sessions in a duration of 1,5 hours each, but the duration can also be accustomed to the needs of the school or class. Workshops are free of charge. We will be glad to provide you with more information. Please contact us by e-mail at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..