EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

EMN National Conference on Return of irregular and vulnerable migrants: exploring opportunities and challenges, Brussels, 4 December 2015

15 April 2016

On 4 December 2015, the Belgian EMN National Contact Point organised the EMN National Conference in Brussels on Return of Irregular and Vulnerable Migrants. In the context of the current migratory situation, the conference served as a platform for experts to discuss good practices and challenges related to return with a specific focus on vulnerable migrants.

The introductory presentations provided information on the latest developments regarding the European and Belgian return policies. A representative of the European Commission (EC) introduced the key instruments of the EU return policy – the Return Directive, European Return Fund and EU readmission agreements. In 2014, only 40% of irregular migrants ordered to leave were returned. Among the main obstacles for effective returns were practical problems with identification and obtaining a travel document from the non-EU countries. In order to raise the rate of effective returns, the EC has released the EU Action Plan on return as well as the Return Handbook. The Return Handbook contains numerous references to specific rules applicable to vulnerable returnees.

Subsequently, the first panel discussed the main outcomes from the EMN study on Dissemination of information on voluntary return: How to reach irregular migrants – challenges and opportunities along with the ongoing research project of the Catholic University of Leuven on The awareness and the image of voluntary return by irregular migrants in Belgium and their formal and informal representatives.

The last two panels dealt with vulnerability in return. Firstly, three cases of vulnerable returnees were introduced and later representatives of different organizations shared their views on the definition of vulnerability, how to ensure a dignified and sustainable return for vulnerable migrants, good practices in regard to reintegration and monitoring, as well as the issue of forced return and vulnerability. As there is no single definition of vulnerability, there should be a broader approach to this term and due to this fact, tailored-made return assistance which would address different needs of the migrants is very important. Migrants should be able to make an informed and independent decision to return, thus a good preparatory phase including pre-departure counselling plays a key role. Owing to the fact that reintegration packages are limited in scope and time, a good practice has shown that it is beneficial to link reintegration with local development initiatives which can enhance their effectiveness and also helps to avoid duplication of activities.

This article has been prepared based on the Conference Report prepared by the Belgian EMN NCP.

More information about the conference as well as presentations are available at the Belgian EMN NCP website.



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