On 28 February 2012 EMN successfully arranged a working breakfast on EMN study "Immigration of International Students" to which representatives of various state aided educational institutions were invited.
In the first part the main aim, structure, activities and outputs of the EMN were introduced. Special focus was put on the particular studies and system of ad-hoc queries through which information on migration can be gathered.
Concerning the preparation of the study "Immigration of International Students", the participants were presented basic study specifications including its aim, methodology, content and sections at which EMN would welcome cooperation and information support.
After both presentations, all present participated in engaging and fruitful discussion which was primarily aimed at clarifying target group, statistical and information sources and their availability, defining problems with exact numbers of international students arising from the various types of residence permits being granted, new Act No. 404/2011 Coll. on Stay of Aliens and its impact on student migration, issuing of study permits and administrative obstacles as well as fostering third-country nationals' motivation to study in the Slovak Republic and the role of state institutions in this regard.
Photogallery of the meeting
Photogallery of the meeting on the study "Immigration of International Students" in Bratislava"