EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

Summer School of Ethnicity and Migration Studies - 2nd edition, Bratislava, 18 - 30 July 2011

19 December 2013

From 18 to 30 July 2011 the second edition of the two-week Summer School of Ethnicity and Migration Studies was held in Bratislava and EMN was one of its partners.

The Summer School was aimed at qualified MA students, PhD students and young researchers from countries of Central and Eastern Europe. EMN organised field trip to Asylum Seekers' Accommodation Centre in Opatovská Nová Ves, presentation of the EMN activities, projecting movie Wonderful Opportunity by IOM Prague followed by discussion with EMN representatives on Labour migration in Central Europe, lecture by Pascal Reyntjens from IOM Brussels on Assisted returns and reintegration, lecture by Anna Platonova from IOM Brussels and Valeska Onken from IOM Geneva on Labour migration in the countries of destination and countries of origin.

Programme of the Summer School

Programme of the Summer School of Ethnicity and Migration Studies 2011 (968 KB)

Photogallery of the Summer School

Photogallery of the Summer School of Ethnicity and Migration Studies in Bratislava

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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